Lise Meitner (FWF) M2915 – Project Page

Probing the Frontiers of Thermodynamics: A journey into non-equilibrium quantum systems

Introduction and Summary

Classic thermodynamic predicts that during a physical transformation, the entropy of the system either stays constant or increases due to heat production. Indeed, by looking at the entropy production we can understand if the process is going forward (the entropy increases) or backward (the entropy decreases) in time. When considering smaller systems, however, new phenomena like random fluctuation, non-linear interactions and quantum behaviour must be accounted for. Non equilibrium quantum thermodynamics is a new research topic that focuses on the production of irreversible entropy in these general small-scale systems. Here we use optically levitated nanoparticles in vacuum as an experimental platform to measure the entropy production in a controllable out of equilibrium nonlinear systems. This platform allows for a versatile tuning of the nonlinearity of a levitated oscillator and to operate under far-from-equilibrium conditions. We will investigate entropy production of non-Gaussian states in the classical scenario and then we will push the system to a regime where the quantum nature of the oscillator becomes relevant. This project will represent a cornerstone in validating non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics and will shed light on the emergence of irreversibility, leading to the origin of an arrow of time.  

Section 1: Introduction and Motivation

Welcome to a remarkable journey into the fascinating world of thermodynamics. I’m [Your Name], a dedicated explorer of the fundamental principles that govern our universe. As we know, classic thermodynamics guides our understanding of various physical transformations, such as why our coffee inevitably cools down. At the heart of this is entropy, a quantity that increases or remains constant during these transformations, essentially determining the direction of time’s arrow.

However, when we delve into the realm of small-scale systems, the landscape dramatically changes. Here, classic thermodynamics does not suffice. This is where non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics comes into play, a novel research field dedicated to exploring irreversible entropy production in these smaller, intricate systems. In these microcosmic environments, new phenomena emerge, and entropy’s dance becomes ever more intricate due to quantum behaviour, random fluctuations, and non-linear interactions.

My research, a crucial endeavour in the domain of non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics, employs optically levitated nanoparticles as a platform to investigate this fascinating realm. This project has the potential to yield significant insights into the fundamental nature of the universe, and significantly, contribute to validating non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics.

Let’s embark on this journey together to explore the uncharted territories of entropy, time, and the quantum world.