Lise Meitner Fellowship (FWF):
M2915 “Entropy generation in nonlinear levitated optomechanics”
Supervisor: Prof. Nikolai Kiesel, Prof. Mauro Paternostro
A prestigious 2-year postdoc fellowship at the University of Vienna, where I investigate what is the entropy production when a levitated system is subject to nonlinear dynamics.
Discovery Grant (ESQ):
“Optimal memory performance: a control-based thermodynamic approach”
A 1 year research project to kickstart my research idea linking control theory and thermodynamic for making information processes more efficient
CoQPIT (EU Consortium):
“Control of Quantum Processes using Information Thermodynamics”
A 3 years research plan of a 8-partners Consortium of which I am the Coordinator, to investigate the energetic cost of controlling and operating a memory in the quantum regime, and how to make it better using control theory and thermodynamics.